Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordless "Lego" Wednesday

My boys loved Legos growing up, and now they can continue their addiction with their own
children who love these building blocks just as much!

This picture is of our oldest grandchild, Billy. He created the "LEGO CITY" display which we thought turned out great!
His room has wonderful displays of many complex Lego sets--sorry I didn't think ahead to get a photo of those...maybe another time.


Kinsey said...

They all love the Legos so much! Even I love Legos :)

VKT said...


My kindergarten students LOVE legos. That is one of the most popular centers. They bring in these elaborate creations from home for show and tell. I wonder if your grandson has ever shared any of his with school friends?

Tyne said...

There are plenty in apartment 113 that I'd be willing to give up... pretty sure I'd be homeless if I did such a thing!

Gina F. said...

My boys loved to play with Legos when they were little. They would build things for hours. I was teary-eyed all day and night. The graduation was beautiful and very emotional for me. Thanks for asking and have a great day. ((HUGS)) :)


Anonymous said...

Classic! Legos rule. Great photo.

Robyn Jones said...

We have a huge lego hubby has been collecting it since he was a kid...and since we have had my son...he couldn't wait for the day that Jeremy was old enough to play lego with him.....little boys never grow up...
