Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Trivia Question is...

I wake up each morning to my clock radio playing music and the morning trivia question of the day. It just amazes me where they get the stats for some of these questions!!!
For example; What food does your husband most remind you of?
I'm thinking, must be something manly like a hamburger...? Oh no, 45% of the response was....(you'll love this one) a potato!! Excuse me, what in the heck does that mean--he's maybe a couch potato?? I don't get it...
Today the question was, The more education you receive the bigger this becomes.
Ok, maybe your income, Wrong---then it must be your brain!! Oh heavens No, that would make too much sense. Ready for this one? Your signature!
Oh ya, how did I not get that right? Your signature--are you kidding?
For one, your signature is suppose to represent more your personality isn't it? Fun, relaxed people usually have a loose larger script, while uptight people have a tighter smaller script. Or something like that anyhow...I'm not really trained to know that but seems as though I have read that somewhere...
Well, that is part of how my morning gets started; with real mind boggling questions and even more boggling answers. How fun it that:)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Bit of This & That- Oh well...

Crazy month filled with a bit of everything, the latest being too much rain and water in our basement! Have been spending the past week moving things out of the bedrooms and office, pulling up carpet, wet vacuuming water, and trying to dry the rooms out. Tonight we are actually putting some things back, but have a ways to go. In the 32 years we have lived here, it is the 2nd time we have had an over abundance of rain in a days time and ended up with water seeping in the foundation. Oh well...

Lately I have been seeing so many talk shows about plastic surgery and all it entails. One of the show was actually pretty informative telling you how you can identify the persons who have had work done. I can't say I know of any one personally, but you can sure tell which movie stars have done overkill on their faces. One thing I did find interesting was the way you can tell if the person has had botox on their lips. Evidently, by nature your top lip is half the size of your bottom lip, so it you see someone who has a top lip equal size to their bottom one, or bigger--they have had botox! Now I find myself watching TV shows and staring at stars lips!! Crazy, I know, but I keep thinking why would you want a fat upper lip? I had a few of those as a kid playing rough and tough with my brothers and not only does it look terrible, it feels just as bad. Amazing that a person would pay to get a fat lip on purpose isn't it?
Oh well...