Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless "Star Wars" Wednesday

My grandson Tate got a new bedroom when his new baby brother Easton arrived.
My daughter in-law did an amazing job creating a Star Wars atmosphere for his room. We all "oohed" and "ahhed" when we saw it.

Thought you would enjoy seeing it too:)


Tyne said...
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Tyne said...

I'm so impressed with his room. It looks so much smaller compared to when it was my room!

Missie said...

I miss decorating my kid's rooms with themes. You did a great job. Love the star wars theme.

Kinsey said...

I love Tate's room!

Gina F. said...

Tate's room is amazing and your daughter in-law did a fantastic job. I know Tate is really proud to call that his room. It is so nice and clean and especially filled with his mother's love. HAVE A GREAT DAY! "TAKE CARE" :)


Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME! Love it.

Jenelle said...

That's really cool! I love the life-sized characters! I bet he loves it.

Kyrstin said...

It is a really cool room!