Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Sweet Award

What a wonderful surprise--Gina from Mother of 1 Princess and 2 Princes awarded me the Sweet Award!

This is my first award as I have only been blogging a couple of months. Thank you so much!

I would pass it back to you if I could, but instead I am adding your button to my blog:)

The Rules are:

Give this award to 10 sweet, friendly bloggers.
Make a post about the award including the picture and mention who gave it to you.

Put the award on your blog.

Let the 10 nominated bloggers know you have awarded them by leaving them a comment.

I now pass on this award to these sweet, friendly bloggers:)

Hope you enjoy your award as much as I do! Have a great week:)


Traci66 said...

Yeah you. Way to go.

Kinsey said...

Congrats and thanks!

Gina F. said...

Awww! Thanks for putting my button on your blog. You really do have a sweet blog and also you are the sweetest blog friend ever. Oh! yes, my oldest child is the one graduating from high school. I also have one graduating next year. My two boys are a year apart and 10 days. I am a twin and I wanted twins but it didn't happen so I had my two children close. Then, I waited 10 years for a little girl to come along. I know WOW! But believe me she is spoiled by her older brothers. All my kids are born in October the 7th, 17th and the 9th. I didn't plan it that way either. I think Valentine's Day is the day not to play around if you know what I mean. Thanks for being such a great blog friend and hope oneday to meet you in person. "TAKE CARE AND HAVE A BLESS DAY" :)

PS. I forgot to tell you my older son and daughter are exactly ten years apart.


Robyn Jones said...

Awww....thanks for the award! You just made my morning... (It just took me three tries to spell morning...and three more to spell the word spell...LOL! I will post it tomorrow! Thanks!

Robyn Jones said...

I forgot... I also have an award for you as well...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. You're too super sweet yourself.

Tulsa Water Features said...

Hello mate nice ppost